Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bad Dog Salad/Sandwich Combo

For tonight's dinner, I am sticking with a light theme. We have been eating a lot of heavy foods lately, and I wanted lighter fare, that was (as usual) easy to prep and used up stuff from the cupboard.

Tonights meal consisted of me throwing just about every vegetable in the fridge into a big salad.

So in this we have about 8 types of lettuce (the organic mesclun mix and romaine), sprouts, onions, cucumber, spring onions, red and green cabbage, avocado, a lone hard boiled egg, cilantro, and yet to added are sesame seeds (from the cupboard of shame, woohoo!) two cans of yummy smoked wild salmon from BC (also from the cupboard of shame).

Its really yummy salmon. I highly recommend it if you can find it.

It all got tossed into the salad. (And all you dirty minded people out there can just shut up.)

Working with canned salmon always brings the cat running. He hears the can open, and instantly, he is there, stalking the can. Notice however, that this blog piece is titled "bad dog salad/sandwich combo" and NOT "bad cat salad/sandwich combo". We'll get to that.

Dressing for this is easy. In a jar, add fresh grated ginger (easiest to do from frozen), some miso, some Bragg's soy sauce, garlic, a drop of toasted sesame oil (only a small amount, its very strong), fresh lime juice, a drop of maple syrup, a bit of wasabi mustard, EVOO and rice vinegar. Cover the jar and shake. Taste to adjust any seasonings so the flavors balance.

I knew that salad alone, even one as hearty as this one, would never be enough for the hungry monsters. Again, I decided to go easy and comforting. Earlier in the day I had purchased a beautiful 3 cheese bread from Panera's, and was planning on making grilled cheese sandwiches to go with the salad. Everything was sitting out on the island waiting for me to put it all together. The bread in its bag, a chunk of 5 year old cheddar (none of that plastic kraft crap for me, thank you very much), and the butter.

Unfortunately, I hadn't counted on this:

Notice the shameful eyes. The dog ate the bread. FOR THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK! Little bastard. 3 days before he ate a brand new Challah. He never does this when he is on his own. He ONLY does it, when he has an accomplice.

Don't let the cuteness fool you. She is the devil.
I had to defrost another loaf of bread (from the bread graveyard deep freeze).

Thank god for deep freezes.

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