Sunday, October 7, 2012


Butter is super easy to make.

Do you remember those old commercials where the mom totally slacks off in the kitchen making rice krispie treats and everybody thinks she is working so hard?

(You just know that if they made that commercial today, she'd be in the kitchen reading "Fifty Shades of Gray" or something. Just sayin'.)

ANYWAY... Making butter is about as difficult, but people think it is hard to make and it sounds *so* impressive.

Its not.

It takes about 5 minutes.

In a cuisinart, throw in some whipping cream. (I personally used fresh, organic, unpasteurized milk, and would just skim off the cream from the top. I have even let it sit overnight to slighly sour, and it still comes out great.) Now comes the hard part. Turn the cuisinart on.

Really, thats it.

Wait about 5 minutes, until it separates into butter and buttermilk. Strain it in through some cheesecloth. What remains is butter.

Voila! Genius time! Yummy, fresh butter.

Now that you look like you have slaved in the kitchen, you can get creative. You could add a touch of honey or salt to the cream before you whip. I have done both. The honey makes the buttermilk taste lovely, and my kids enjoyed it too.

To the butter itself I have added a bunch of different flavours and whipped it. My favorites are:

- garlic
- black olives
- basil
- cilantro
- rosemary

Really, you can add whatever you want. Experiment away. And if you come up with anything stupendous, let me know.

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