Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Pinterest Semi-Fail

I adore Pinterest. I really love it. I spend hours looking at all kinds of stuff, primarily do-it-yourself crafts. Strangely enough, I don't look at the food and drink section. I may look at something food related if it is in the DIY Craft area, but I don't go searching for recipes. I have enough cookbooks for that. Okay, I probably have 150 cookbooks, and its still not enough. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Anyway, while I was cruising through the DIY section, I came across these fabulous looking potatoes and thought, I should make those.

To be honest, I couldn't quite remember how they did them on pinterest, and I didn't really have time to go searching for them because I had sadly forgotten to pin them. I decided to make it up as I went along, much as I do all my cooking.

They didn't end up looking quite so pretty, but were really tasty. At least I remembered that everyone on pinterest used Yukon Gold potatoes to make these, which I rarely buy. I tend toward the red skinned ones as I find them to be creamier overall. This week though, I bought Yukon Golds. Tadah! I was prepared.

Take your potato, wash it, dry it, and remove any eyes that are growing on it. I read last week (on pinterest, of course) that if you put an apple in with your potatoes it will stop it from growing eyes. If anybody ever actually remembers to do that, let me know how it works out for you. Lord knows I'll never remember to put an apple in there. Or if I did, I'd never remember to remove it from there so it would end up turning to apple mush and ain't nobody got time for that. So like I said, gouge out the eyes. Blind that sucker.

Thinly slice about 75% of the way through the potato. When you screw up and slice all the way through, don't worry. Just cram them back together. It all tastes good in the end.

Place all the cut potatoes and their pieces that you screwed up with on a baking sheet. I always cover my baking sheet with either a silpat sheet or tin foil, because my cookie sheets are really old and kind of nasty from having so many things burn on it and never quite come off.

In a little bowl, I added enough EVOO to drizzle on them, some chillis and I ground a couple garlic cloves into it to make it more of a flavored oil.

I used a teaspoon to attempt my initial drizzle of the flavoured oil over the potatoes. The biggest difference I noticed with my potatoes as opposed to the pinterest ones, was that they didn't fan out so beautifully, so drizzling the oil on it was much more difficult. I had to do a lengthwise slice on it, and manually try and open the potato up and try cram in some of the herbed oil. I then finished them with some fresh ground pepper and sea salt.

Preheat your oven to 425 and pop them in for about an hour or until nice and crisp.

Okay, so they aren't complete Pinterest fails, but I don't think I can post the picture with "NAILED IT" on it either.

But they were tasty, and definitely ones I will make again. And they can have variations. Different herbs (rosemary, oregano, or indian spices), or you could add cheese and sprinkle it with minced parsley and green onions when they are ready, or you could put any sort of potato chip flavor on it you like. Mmmmmm.....the possibilities are ENDLESS.

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